HEIRS AND SPARES UNIVERSITY HEIRS Word count: 712 Picture Count: 49 Residents: Gabriel Gatsby: (genetics/gold digger challenge) Family/pleasure Captain hero Kafia Karin: (7 day challenge) romance/pleasure Professional Party Guest Freshman Semester One Narrated by Gabriel Hi met some of the new dormies and Kafia he lives in my neigbourhood I like to get to know people lots of people GRADES AND GPA GABRIEL A+ 4.0 KAFIA A+ 4.0 FRESHMAN SEMESTER TWO NARRATED BY Kafia Hi really enjoy college at the moment people dance anytime, and anywhere chatted We have to make our own beds I played toss the ball with Gabriel who was asking people about money and stuff. GRADES AND GPA GABRIEL A+ 4.0 KAFIA A+ 4.0 SOPHOMORE SEMESTER ONE My turn again Gabriel, as I am bisexual I like to have a lot of fun with people But I also like hanging out with Kafia too, we did some homework togeth...