EPIC ECHO GENERATION 3 RESIDENTS: Evie: Elder Earl: Adult Aiyanna: Adult Emily: Robot Emmett: Child Monday: Emmett plays with his grandma It is a snow day so Emmett learns a skill Earl comes home and Emmett rushes to give him a cuddle Aiyana got a promotion and Emily looked through the telescope. Tuesday: Gardening time Earl learns flower making Emmett drinks juice and Emmett fishes in the wrong place (the lot is glitched) Wednesday: poor old Emmett got scared by great grandma drinking eggplant juice and having some fun and Emmett does his homework. Thursday: Emmett plays with Emily the robot Gardening where your supposed to be and Gardening where your not supposed to be time for Emmett to be a teenager. Pop/pleasure gay. Friday: Evie chats to Emily Emmett fishes in the wrong place and chats to (somebody from the Fallon fam...