
Showing posts from March, 2019


ISBI INCHMAN GENERATION ONE RESIDENTS: Ida Inchman Abhijeet Deppiese (adult) Ian - (teenager) Imogen (child) Monday: Imogen has a child the penguin comes and says hello to unfinished snowman time for a birthday and she is Imogen, teenager bi and she is family/fortune. Tuesday: Ida helps Imogen on her homework while Abhijeet stuffs his face. Imogen is looking at the snow and they brought home I think Brody Coleman. Wednesday: the nanny is still here, and playing chess with Ian Ida wants to get married ( I don't want to spell Deppiese any more) so they got married Abhijeet spent a long time making a snowman. Thursday: Ian and Imogen played truant, while Ida tries to skill Abhijeet stuff his face Ian goes off to University. and Ida helps Imogen with her homework. Friday: the nanny turned blue  Ida helped Imogen with her homework and Ida was on the phone ...


HOMELESS CHALLENGE HARDY GENERATION ONE RESIDENTS: Heaven Hadley (adult) Jeff Hadley (adult) Harry Hadley (teenager) Harriet Hadley (teenager) Monday: they moved into empty house with a car and toilet in the pond some reading for the teenagers and Jeff is skilling for the homeless career Heaven grows into an elder in the bathroom. Tuesday: Harry talks to his mom Jeff didn't get promoted and sleeping on benches still. Wednesday: snowing Harry wanted to use the toilet that was in the pond Harry didn't make the grade and grew up to an adult even being a knowledge sim Harriet still didn't make the grade either. Harry, Harriet went off into the homeless Career Jeff got a promotion Jeff and Heaven have a date. Friday: red hands with Harry and his mum Heaven met a couple of new people Harriet gossiped about a fire a burglar came along ( wasn't what to do,...


GENETICS/GOLD DIGGER CHALLENGE GATSBY GENERATION 2 RESIDENTS: Makoto St Julien (elder) Gabi Gatsby (elder) Genesis (adult) Gabriel (toddler) Gem (toddler) Growler (dog) Monday: we start today with an engagement and a marriage, Mr Makoto St Gatsby Growler got old and Genesis asked how much money Christian Love has 3 money signs. Tuesday: They are just chatting toddler time and birthdays will show you what they look like next time Wednesday: Genesis talked to Miss Tamara Wrong about money she hasn't got enough. side picture of Gem the back of Gabriel asking to do his homework and Gem wanted to do her homework too. Thursday: Makoto and Genesis have a date Gabriel met his dad (Richard Beckett) and Genesis asked  Francine Terrell about money. Nope not enough. Friday: Whoo for the married couple Gabriel congratulated Makoto on getting married Lisa Grayling...