BOARD GAME CHALLENGE BEAR GENERATION FOUR Word Count: 565 Pictures: 38 RESIDENTS: Chantilly (elder) Lisa (elder) Cameo (adult) Grilled Cheese/knowledge 250 grilled cheese Pisces 7/1/8/7/10 Monday: (going to use a different narrative) Hi Cameo here just got back from University it went well I invited Jessie Day, who I met at University, we had a date and we fell in love and I just wanted to be married to him as soon as possible so we got married today mum and mum were the only guests, as we rushed the wedding but they are glad I have found happiness. Welcome Jessie Bear (10,000) Family/pleasure 6 grandchildren Aquarius 5/5/3/6/7 Tuesday: We got Jessie some new clothes and a pillow fight in the house Jessie is getting to know my parents. Jessie got a job in law enforcement we also had some fun in the car too I am working on my ltw but it certainly take...