GENETICS/GOLD DIGGER CHALLENGE GATSBY GENERATION TWO RESIDENTS: Gabi (elder) Genesis (adult) Gabriel (child) Gem (child) Monday: Gabi is crying about the burglary, the tv was taken the car was taken but I brought them another one Gabriel was wondering if they were going to add anymore children to the family. Tuesday: Gem doesn't want to talk about Wizards Gabriel is on the phone time for the twins birthday Gabriel Family/pleasure Captain hero and bisexual Gem Pleasure/fortune Game Designer and straight. Wednesday: sibling backrubs as the teenagers can't get jobs, Gem decides to have a date with Hayden Suwankiri One bolt Gabi and Genesis skill and Gabriel Thursday: Skilling and Gabi got in the Zone Genesis was invited downtown and went to Han's Trap door (no picture) and One twenty five Café they had a good time Gabriel had a date with Blazej Patch 1 bolt...