GENETICS/GOLD DIGGER GATSBY RESIDENTS: Gabi Gatsby Monday: Gabi Pleasure/family have 50 dream dates Aries 5/8/6/3/3 welcome wagon Addison, Malcolm and Leo Gabi even went downtown to find a rich man and everybody was still there when she got back. Tuesday: she called Leo, but they didn't get on great she thought Amin might have a lot of money and talked to Jace Mackervich Wednesday: she talked to Waylon Menon had a date with Leo Wilkes and chatted to Brandon Lillard Thursday: Gabi invited Leo over for a date they have no chemistry but Leo does have 3 money signs and Alan Thayer only has one. Friday: Rubbish Leo moved in with £12,000 nothing in his inventory Family/Grilled cheese marry of 6 children cancer 6/3/6/4/6 Even got Leo asking his friends if they were rich. Saturday: burglar can't remember who won Gabi is pregnant not rich no...